Would you like to have a class with Ellen?

Ellen would be delighted to have a class with you or your group! You can check out her classes at www.ellenanneeddy.com. She also offers independent studio time in her studio in Indiana. Talk to Ellen about classes at 219-921-0885, or contact her scheduler Sarah at 616-485-5646 to set a date

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Ellen Anne Eddy
Author of Thread Magic: The Enchanted World of Ellen Anne Eddy Fiber artist, author and teacher
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Monday, March 15, 2010

Musings: Art Outside the Box:Through the Lens

I've started a new project. I'm working on documenting the flowers in my garden within my quilting. I'm starting with photoing the flowers.

I wish I were good at photography. It takes someone who's more spry I think. The arthritis makes certain poises pretty poignant when you have to get out of them. If I don't bend certain ways, it's even sadder and sillier when I have to unbend. I'm also not someone who catches the moment. The decade sometimes, but not the moment.

I have a brilliant camera. I'm trying to catch up. Up until now I've set it on automatic and bracketed. But now, I'm willing to push my self past it and look at f stops and AV settings.


I need to stretch my eye. I think that's going to include stretching my mind and back as well. My frog is playing in the same hostas that Cara's enjoying (Cara's my black and white greyhound). My memory of the world is all verbal. It has no idea which way the leaves twist and turn. If my memory won't do it, the camera will.

Oh, no! Not another learning experience! But it's true. All learning is a way of looking at something from a different vantage point. This time, I'm learning to look through a lens.


Ellen Anne Eddy said...

Just checking that I can post a comment. Some people have had trouble doing that.

Anonymous said...

what a wonderful idea - documenting the flowers in your garden.

You say you wish you are good at photography. I wish I am too - one thing I am learning is that if you take hundreds of shots of the same subject from all different angles etc, there will be some stunning shots. What camera do you have? And I love your greyhound - I have Salukis.

Ellen Anne Eddy's Flowers on Youtube.com

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