Would you like to have a class with Ellen?

Ellen would be delighted to have a class with you or your group! You can check out her classes at www.ellenanneeddy.com. She also offers independent studio time in her studio in Indiana. Talk to Ellen about classes at 219-921-0885, or contact her scheduler Sarah at 616-485-5646 to set a date

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Ellen Anne Eddy
Author of Thread Magic: The Enchanted World of Ellen Anne Eddy Fiber artist, author and teacher
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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Musings: Art outside of the Box: Pushing back the Dark: Thinking does make it so.

As we reach the end of the year, as the days get darker and darker, it's no surprise that we've organized a holiday frenzy guaranteed to push us through to brighter times. The substances our bodies themselves produce are amazing. There's nothing like a full adrenaline high to skip past the fact that it's coal black outside at 4:30 PM and that the weather is resembling something happening in my ice box.Being a feckless soul who did all her shopping late, I got the full view this afternoon. I'm too tired to care how dark and cold it is. Perhaps that's the whole point. The holiday comes, the darkness recedes. By the time we have our breath back, it's already turning light earlier. We're through the worst and spring is if late, a possibility in the wings.

It's these times I'm so grateful for an artist's life.Because we endlessly get to build the world we want. You could be confused by my work, thinking I was copying nature. By my own nature, I copy badly. Now imagining? That I 'm good at. To imagine wild flowers that don't really exist. Dragonflies out of season? Of course! My yard in bloom instead of in ice. Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I also can image I've put my keys away and really truly believe it. It's a mixed blessing.But aren't they all.

So once I've caught my breath from the adrenaline rush, cleared my ears of muszac carols and recovered from the bob and sway of the grocery carts as people play "My Isle" in the rows, I'm going upstairs to the garden under my needle and tend it. I need the quiet of my garden and the warmth of it's blooms. It's there, waiting in my art.


Ellen Anne Eddy's Flowers on Youtube.com

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Review of Thread Magic Garden
From the Subversive Stitch

Review of Thread Magic Garden

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